"Buffalo Gal" en versión reducida para niños a partir de 3 años.


 London Bridge 

As I was walking down the street, 

Down the street, down the street,

A pretty little gal I chanced to meet, 

Oh, she was fair to see.

Buffalo Gals, won´t you come out tonight, 

come out tonight, come out tonight.

Buffalo Gals, won´t you come out tonight 

And dance by the light of the moon.

Buffalo Gals, won´t you come tonight, 

come out tonight, come out tonight.

Buffalo Gals, won´t you come tonight 

And dance by the light of the moon.

I asked her if she´d have a dance, 

Have a dance, have a dance

I thought that I might have a chance 

to shake a foot with her.

Buffalo Gals, won´t you come out tonight, 

come out tonight, come out tonight.

Buffalo Gals, won´t you come tonight 

And dance by the light of the moon.

Buffalo Gals, won´t you come out tonight, 

come out tonight, come out tonight.

Buffalo Gals, won´t you come tonight 

And dance by the light of the moon.

